News: Surround Sound

Ultimate Fan Package Into the 20s with full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution surround sound

By Ralf Kaiser

Ultimative Fan Package Auf in die 20ger Jahre with full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution surround sound

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I am publishing the complete fan package "Auf die die 2020s" with all notes for all pieces and also including the "HD Sound Files" and the "Surround Sound Files" of each song.

Click here =>

You will enjoy it. But be careful, the download zip file is about 6 GB in size, so it is not suitable for the mobile phone.
In this archive you will also find an mp3 for each song for your mobile use.
I would be happy if there will be several orchestras performing these pieces. If you still lack voices in the wind music orchestration, please report and ask.
The following three pieces are also arranged for a complete symphony orchestra: Into the 20s, children's hot punch and tagliatelle with carrot vegetables and side salad.
Thank you and I wish you much joy with it.
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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New High Resolution Audio Drama: "In the Wolf Mood" now as a free download

By Ralf Kaiser

neues High Resolution Audio Drama: "In the Wolf Mood" jetzt als gratis Download
Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight publish the new radio play: "In the Wolf Mood". It goes on for over 5 minutes and gets into the taiga at night while it is windy and the full moon is in the sky in the background. Three wolves set off and howl at the moon. Later you hear footsteps that get faster and head for a hut. We want to get away from the storm and the wolves. We close the hut and go to the kitchen. There we switch on the light and later turn on an old analog FM radio receiver until we like a transmitter. The cat scurries between the legs and meows and we enjoy a cup of tea with music from the radio. The wolves surround the house, the mood is tense, but we are safe. Finally, we go to the quiet little town and pee a few times and rinse ... That's the story and I hope you like it. I had a lot of fun crafting. You can get this radio play in two versions:
1. For mobile phones: High Resolution wav file 24 bit 96 Khz stereo approx. 184 MB
2. Surround Sound High Resolution Version in 32 bit 192 Khz 5.1 Sound approx. 1.4 GB file size Have fun with the radio play And thanks for your support!

Enjoy the radio play
And thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Polterabend le reste de bleu in C minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Version 3 Full Score Full Orchester Leadhseet and Parts and Full HD Wav File and Surround Sound in High Resolution

By Ralf Kaiser

Polterabend le reste de bleu in C-Moll by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Version 3 Full Score Full Orchester Leadhseet and Parts and Full HD Wav File and Surround Sound in High Resolution

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Klassix and Kaiser Musix, here i give to you the version 3 of the new classical work: "Polterabend le reste de bleu" in C-minor 32 bit 192 Khz Full HD sound wav file ,

You get the Version 1 in Surround Sound as well and mp3 Version of Version 3.

You get Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts as PDF File Download.

This parts are attached: Basses, Celli, Violin, Viola, Timpani, Drumset, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet in Bb, Horn in F, English Horn, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Oboe, 1 Oboe 2, Flute 1, Flute 2 and Piccoolo.

Click here for Donwload.

This orchestral piece of music sounds great. There are nice melodies in it. It sounds like a thriller in cinema.
Have some fun with it.

Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Klassix, today a new orchestral work has been completed. It says: hen night le reste de bleu in C minor.
It has become quite a modern piece with catchy melodies that are repeated several times offset and partly screw from top to bottom and partly also screw up into the sky. There are several opposite parts and in version 3 it sounds brilliant and full in sound. In some places the piece gives you goosebumps and sounds like a psychological thriller. In the end it becomes more pleasant and ends very harmoniously in C major.

You can download the complete sheet music of Orchestra Version 2 with the following parts as a zip download:

Basses, Celli, Violin, Viola, Timpani, Drumset, Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet in Bb, Horn in F, English Horn, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Oboe, 1 Oboe 2, Flute 1, Flute 2 and Piccoolo.

There is also the lead sheet for the conductor and a full score full orchestra version with a large presentation.

In addition to the PDF notes, you will receive version 3 as a Full HD Wav File with 32 bit 192 Khz and an mp3 version of the same recording for your mobile phone. Version 1 of this piece is also available here as a surround sound version in 32 bit 192 kHz. This is a lover version that offers a phenomenal listening experience on a 5.1 surround sound home cinema system.

I am happy to present this piece to you today.
Have fun with it!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Today i give to you the ultimate Fan Collection with Surround Sound Artwork by Ralf Christoph Kaiser for free download

By Ralf Kaiser

Today i give to you the ultimative Fan Collection with Surround Sound Artwork by Ralf Christoph Kaiser for free Download

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today i give to you the ultimate fan collection with surround sound artwork of mine for free download.
This zip archive you get here contains 8 Surround Sound songs in high resolution wav file full HD sound. To hear this music is like beeing in the cinema.
If you close your eyes you can watch the film ;-)
Have some fun with it!
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today you get an exclusive ultimate fan collection with 8 selected surround sound songs in high resolution wav file full HD sound. If you listen to this music you will feel like in the cinema. Close your eyes while listening and you will see the film playing inside.
The following songs are included:
01 Dark Romantica
02 Feedig the Top
03 Monster fight
04 railway station
05 Safe your Soul
06 Saver sex
07 Second runtime
08 Summer Lagoon

The entire Zip archive has a file size of 7.4 GB

Here it goes =>

Several of the songs have never been released.

The sound quality you get here is unique. You usually only have such quality in the cinema. In music business science fiction it is, so to speak, to deliver such quality directly to end consumers.

I am happy about it and thank you for your support!

I hope you enjoy the songs!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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