News: Full Score and Parts

New orchestra work:It's a new sensation with your vibration by ralf christoph kaiser full score and parts and high resolution audio

By Ralf Christoph Kaiser

neues Orchester Werk: It's a new sensation with your vibration by ralf christoph kaiser full score and parts and high resolution audio

Dear friends of, today I'm releasing a new piece here in the store with sheet music and HD sound and mp3 version. The piece is called: It's a new sensation with your vibration. It sounds solemn and festive and is now suitable for the beginning of spring and Easter. The piece celebrates life and rebirth. There is a free sharing Klick mich eCard with video for the work under the name: am Teich by kaiser-filmix. There you can listen to the music and see a short video about it.

Here in the store there is the original song in HD sound and as mp3 and the sheet music with full score and parts.

The sheet music includes: the cellos, woodwinds, brass, strings staccato; Tenor saxophone, timpani and drum kit.


The piece sounds a bit like a chorale so powerful and dignified.

Thank you for your support!

 Click here to download.

Best regards

your Ralf Christoph Kaiser


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Now the new brass ensemble hit Stürmische See by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

By Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Jetzt neu der Brass Ensemble Hit Stürmische See by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, in the last few weeks I have been working harder on various brass ensemble pieces, which I now want to publish here one by one. I start with this piece: "Stormy Seas" in C-Minor. It's a very intense piece that comes across as poignant and powerful. Everything is there, hope and love, tension and drama, adventure and lust. You get this piece here with full score and parts for brass music. The party can include: tuba, trumpet notated in C, trombone, horn in F, violoncello and violins and double bass. Since chords often appear in the notes, you can bring each instrument almost 3 times and everyone takes on a different voice. Overall, the piece can be performed well with around 7-10 musicians. With this piece you will cause great astonishment in the audience, because it has such force and depth that no one can escape it. If you then interpret the notes a little more freely from the playing style, i.e. with fringing like a little crescendo in some places and swell and so on, then it becomes particularly impressive.
I'm happy to present this piece to you today and thank you for your support!
If you still need something of other parts, please contact me.
Best regards
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Download here:

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New brass orchestra piece online:"With a little love and fate we go through everything whats coming up"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts and High Resolution Audio including mp3

By Ralf Kaiser

Neues Brass Orchester Stück online: "With a little love and fate we go through everything whats coming up" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts and High Resolution Audio inklusive mp3

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I would like to present you a brass music orchestra piece that has it all. It says: "With a little love and fate we go through everything whats coming up" / With a little love and skill we go with each other. The piece is written in D major and is played with 89 beats per second. Here you get the sheet music with full score and parts for the following instruments:

1st trumpet in Bb
2. Drum kit and percussion
3. Flute
4. Soprano Saxophone
5th tenor saxophone
6. Tenor trombones
7th trumpet in A
8. Tuba and C brass

In addition to version 2 for wind music, I am also giving you version 1 for symphony orchestra and a version for only 4 musicians. You can play together: cello, drum kit, flute and tenor trombone.
So here you get the sheet music for three different versions plus the high resolution audio file of version 1 with symphony orchestra and version 2 with wind music orchestra.

This work sounds worn and also a bit humorous. It oozes love and warmth of the heart. The brass music version builds a very nice sound that will be remembered for a long time and will live on within yourself.
The cover shows a night shot of Lake Constance. I sat there and had a burger.
I'm happy when the piece comes on stage.

Thanks for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Click here to download

PS: Here are a few lyrics that were written on the same day as this orchestral piece. There is the mood of October 19, 2020 again:

I pay homage to your saving hand with great love and a lot of understanding We love each other in this country and have the billions from the state On vacation we go along the beach and renew our love ribbon We fill the measure almost to the edge

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two new classical works:"Your helping Hand"and"I pic up the Thread"now for free download suitable for chamber orchestras with 5-7 musicians

By Ralf Kaiser

zwei neue klassiche Werke: "Your helping Hand" and "I pic up the Thread" now for free Download geeignet für Kammerorchester mit 5-7 Musikern

Dear friends of music and sheet music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix and Kaisermusixofficial, today I would like to give you a present. The two new classical orchestral works by me:
1. Your Helping Hand - Your saving hand in C-Major
2. I pic up the thread - I'll pick up the thread again in G-Major
You can now download it for free here in the music and sheet music store.
These two works were created on October 17, 2020 and October 18, 2020. They are played in a small cast with the following instruments:
1. Strings, Violin and Violoncello, 2. Brass Tenor Trombone, 3. Woodwinds Flute and 4. Percussion Drumkit.umkit).

"You Helping Hand" can be performed with 5-7 musicians and "I pic up the thread" can also be performed with 5-7 musicians, depending on whether the violoncello plays double stops or the voices are divided between individual musicians.
Here you can download the complete sheet music with full score and parts and a lead sheet with all voices on top of each other.
You also get the High Resolution Audio loosless wav file with 24 bit 96 KHz and an mp3 24 bit 48 KHz of both pieces.
I am happy when this work is performed, which is why I am offering the sheet music here for free this time.
In terms of emotion, both pieces are written in a rather cheerful and hopeful major. They brighten the mind and bring joy. It sounds something like spring and "like being freshly in love" in these two works.
With "Your Helping Hand" - "Your saving hand" there is a hopeful encounter with a loved one who then gives his hand on the astral level, whereby great happiness is experienced.
With "I pic up the thread" - "I'll pick up the thread again" the idea is to take up a beloved activity again, in my case composing classical music, whereby joy and happiness can be experienced.
I think everyone can find his own interpretation of this music that is valid for him. I recommend 86 bpm as the tempo for the performance, i.e. played more carried and walking so that the lustful twists and turns and melodies can be fully savored.
Thank you for your interest in this music!
Have fun with it!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Click here to download.


I pay homage to your saving hand
with great love and understanding
We love each other in this country
and have the billions from the state
On vacation we go along the beach
and renew our love bond
We fill the measure almost to the brim

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new classic album:"Die Unke im Pfuhl"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with 16 works with 26 different recordings in high resolution audio with full score and parts and including original visuals

By Ralf Kaiser

neues Klassik Album: "Die Unke im Pfuhl" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser mit 16 Werken mit 26 unterschiedlichen Aufnahmen in High Resolution Audio mit Full Score and Parts und inklusive original Visuals

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I would like to introduce you to the new classic album: Die Toke im Pfuhl. This long-awaited new classical CD contains 16 orchestral works in 26 different versions for large symphony orchestras, but also for small ensembles. There are several hits among them and you get them as High Resolution Audio in the highest resolution that is currently possible for me 32 bit 192 kHz. In addition to the music, you get all the notes, i.e. full score and parts for all pieces, and the special thing about this CD is that there is also an original visual from me for every work. With exclusive photo material and partly also with video material, which you can fade in during the performances of the pieces on a screen with a video projector during the concert. This makes the musical experience even more impressive because it is supported visually. What has worked well in rock and pop music for a long time can also be used in classical music. The photos are all included in their original resolution, so you can use them on a large screen.t.
Because of the videos and photos, the entire download package has become significantly larger. You will get about 15 GB of data here, so please load uni with enough storage space on a computer with a fast internet connection. This version is unsuitable for mobile phones.There is an alternative version for your mobile phone with only mp3 files. You get this for free.
The high resolution audio version with visuals and full score and parts is priced at 700 euros. It contains 16 compositions so that a work with all the bells and whistles including performance rights is around 43.75 euros per orchestral work. I think that's a fair offer. If smaller orchestras only want to play individual pieces, you can also send me an email and I will only send you the individual pieces you want.
In any case, I would be very happy if there would be several physical performances of these works.
Here I write something about the individual pieces that are included:

01: 2 Cellos Symfonic
02: Best Modus Ever
03: Camembert with cranberry jam
04: The knight Kubiert is back
05: The toad in the pool
06: The water striders have fun
07: Thunderstorm love at night, I'm awake for it
08: I live thank god
09: I love you
10: It's always nice and warm in the threshing floor, you are my crush
11: But now
12: O beautiful home
13: Summer thunderstorm
14: If I had known, it's all sausage again
15: How I would love to hug you
16: Two steps back one forward

Click here to download!

I thank you for your support!


Kind regards

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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