News: Stake Holder Value

new classical work:"Stake Holder Value"in D minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts High resolution Wav File and cover photo

By Ralf Kaiser

neues Klassik Werk: "Stake Holder Value" in D-Moll by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts High resolution Wav File und Coverfoto

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I am publishing the song: Stake Holder Value in D minor Modern Classic with Full Score and Parts.
Here is a description of the piece:

The flute is the business plan that is carried out to enable the financing of the project. After a few more bars, the tenor trombone and the broad strings enter and play a dense carpet of sound that stretches over a long period of time and only changes from time to time as if the company were recovering thanks to the investors and Pick up speed and the situation on the market improves. There is a brief dip in between, but otherwise a continuous increase with several long-lasting suspensions until you arrive on the high plateau in the Alps and enjoy a beautiful view. The piece lasts over 5 minutes and brings a few special elements in percussion with the use of castanets shortly before the end. As if the companions were riding on horseback…
You will receive the notren for: tenor trombone, woodwinds, percussion and cello.
Full Score in two versions. once with all the voices on it for a larger orchestra and once with only 4 voices for a quartet.
You will also receive the High Resolution Wav File with the original orchestral recording and an mp3 and the cover photo in high resolution.
Thank you for your support!

Download & gt;;

Enjoy the piece!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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