News: a moll

new modern classic hit:"To be welcome in your circles feels like at home"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in A minor fan package with full score and parts and high resolution wav files including original cover photo and mp3

By Ralf Kaiser

neuer moderne Klassik Hit: "In eurem Kreise willkommen sein, fühlt sich an wie daheim" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in A-Moll Fan Paket mit Full Score and Parts und High Resolution wav Files inklusive original Cover Foto und mp3

Dear friends of music and art from Ralf Christoph Kaiser and, today there is the first piece from August 1, 2020: Being welcome in your circle feels like at home in A minor..

You get version 1 in a small line-up and version 2 in a large line-up as free mp3.

I heard a fugue by Bach on YouTube today and then this piece came to my mind. However, it breaks out of the Renaissance scheme several times in between and creates the leap into modernity. In version 2 with full symphony orchestra, the piece becomes even more powerful and pompous by octaving the cellos into the double bass. Overall, however, the piece also becomes significantly more modern because the brass and especially the Woodwinds contribute interesting sounds that make the whole piece penetrating. It is like a knightly horseman corps that rides in formation over the open fields and meadows, accompanied by falcons, wind and weather. The title of the piece is based on the memory of a very nice moment of yesterday. I went for a walk on the Rhine and then had an ice cream. At the ice cream parlor there were two French friends who were friends who were having ice cream there too. It felt like "welcome." The four had a lively conversation while I just missed it and drank my milkshake with ice. I had a scoop of sea buckthorn ice cream and a scoop of wild berries or something. The drink was ice cold and delicious. While walking we greeted each other with a short: "Au revoir!" And "Tschau", then the scene was over again. On the way home, however, I reminisced about France in my youth and drank the rest of the ice-milk shake with relish. In the cover you will find a few beautiful calyxes that remind me of Renaissance and Roccoco Zirade in the clothes. I like this chic. Now I wish you much joy with the work! Thanks for your support! Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

PS: At you also get a fan package with the two versions of the piece as Ultra HD Sound Wav Files and additionally all the notes for the following instruments: Bassoon 1, bassoon 2, Celeste, clarinet in Bb 1, clarinet in Bb 2, Flute 1, Harp, Horn in Eb, Double Bass, Double Bass Tuba, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion Drum Kit, Piccolo, Solo Horn in F, Spransaxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet in A, Trumpet in Bb, Viola, Violin, Violoncello, Full Score eadhseet for Balsmusik-Ocrhester, Full Score Leadhseet with everything, Full Score score for small instrumentation with focus on percussion, Full Score score for medium instrumentation with strings, score only strings, score only Woodwinds, and score Percussion and Celeste. ..

Click here to download...

Love YouRalf

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new orchestral piece:"The homecoming"in A minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts and video

By Ralf Kaiser

neues Orchester Stück: "Die Heimkehr" in A-Moll by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score and Parts und Video

Dear friends of music and art from Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I had a wonderful time on the Rhine in the afternoon after work. There were only a few cyclists and two couples in love cuddling on the benches. I first filmed and later sat on the bank with a wheat beer and looked at the water. I love this place. It's almost like coming home every time. That is why the piece that plays the video is also called: The Homecoming It is a classical orchestral piece in A minor with springs, brass and woodwinds and percussion.n.
You can get the notes for the piece here Download from the store together with the HD sound file and a mobile version of the video.

At you can get a free mp3 and a small version of the video. The video is available on YouTube in high resolution for streaming. and at Tucano-eCards you can send the video as a greeting card with music in the next few days.
It was a peaceful evening for which I am very grateful. Every minute of happiness in company with other people is a blessing for me at the moment.
Thank you for your support! Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano Concerto in A-Minor by Siegfried Ernst now available in store

By Ralf Kaiser

Piano Concerto in A-Minor by Siegfried Ernst now available in store

dear friends of the music by Siegfried Ernst, today you get this fan collection with 24 bit 48 Khz wav files and mp3 files of the complete EP "My Love" including these songs:

1. My Love

2. Thinking about you

3. Please take away these misery

4. Last Angel

All pieces are played on Steinway & Sons Piano in A-Minor.

This is great music, romantic and lyric as well. Lovely and amazing music pieces you never have heard before.

Download here:

Have some fun with it.

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Siegfried Ernst, today I am publishing the EP My Love with 4 songs played on a Steinway & Sons grand piano by Siegfried Ernst.

The following songs are included:

1. My Love

2. Thinking about you

3. Please take away these misery

4. Last Angel

You will receive the 24 Bit 48Khz Wav Files and of each song also an mp3 version for the mobile phone, including cover artwork.

This music is unique. It sounds like a mixture of Schumann and Chopin, romantic, lyrical, loving and full of ideas. The pieces are performed with a lot of verve and feeling and get under your skin.

Please support this artist by downloading these songs.

He deserved a better living. If you have ideas for concert performances by and with Siegfried Ernst, please contact:

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano concerto in a-minor part 3 please take away these misery by Siegfried Ernst and Orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Part and Full HD Wav File

By Ralf Kaiser

Pianokonzerto in a-minor part 3 please take away these misery by Siegfried Ernst and Orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Part and Full HD Wav File
dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today i give to you the piano concerto in a-minor by Siegfried Ernst with orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 3 "Please take away these misery" in full hd sound.
These instruments are inclusive: cello, viola, violin, oboe, flute, trombone and percussion. The Piano Version you get as Full HD Sound wav file original recording played by Siegfried Ernst on Steinway & Sons.
I attache the cover artwork for you and the mp3 version with orchestra for mobile use.

This part 3 feels like getting through big trouble and finding new happiness in our self, by having help in the right moment.

Have some fun with it.

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today you will receive the 3rd movement of the piano concerto in A minor by Siegfried Ernst with orchestral accompaniment by Ralf Christoph Kaiser implemented with Kaiser-Musix. This 3rd movement shows a few problem areas and the listener is led through dark moments until right help helps him to get up again at the right moment.

Overall, the 3rd movement: "Please take away these misery" is nevertheless playful and romantic and very harmonious despite the dissonance.

The video for Part 3 shows a sunset in a 360 degree panoramic view. You can find the video here:

You can find the solo piano voice with the entire concert here:

You will also receive the cover artwork and an mp3 of the orchestral version for use on your mobile phone.

I hope you enjoy this work.

Thanks for your support

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano concerto in a minor by Siegfried Ernst and Orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 2: "Thinking about you" Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts available now

By Ralf Kaiser

Pianokonzerto in a-minor by Siegfried Ernst and Orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 2: "Thinking about you" Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts available now
dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today i give to you part 2: "Thinking about you" of the piano concerto in A-minor by Siegfried Ernst with orchestra by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix. You get Full HD Sound wav file and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts. Solo piano version in full HD sound included. I attache the Cover Artwork and mp3 Version for mobile use as well.

This Part 2: Thinking about you is romantic and lovely music and goes straight to the heart.

Have some fun with it.

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today I am publishing the second movement: "Thinking about you" of the piano concerto in A minor by Siegfried Ernst with orchestral accompaniment by Ralf Christoph Kaiser.
You get the Full HD wav version in high quality and all the scores as a Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts. You will also receive a high resolution recording of the solo part from the piano, an mp3 version of the orchestra version for the mobile phone and the cover artwork.

This second movement is lyrical and romantic and enchants the listener with a lot of love and sound.

I hope you enjoy the song.

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano Concerto in A minor by Siegfried Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 1: "My Love" in HD Sound and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Parts online now

By Ralf Kaiser

Pianokonzerto in A-Moll by Siegfried Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 1: " My Love" in HD Sound and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Parts online now

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, tonight i give to you this piano concerto in a minor by Siegfreid Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser in full HD Sound quality and with Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts.
This is Part 1: "My love"

You get the piano part as solo recording and the orchestra version.

You get an mp3 for mobile use as well.

Here you find the music video about this song:

In the video you can see 6 swans swimming and starting to fly.

The music video is recorded in surround sound quality.

Have some fun with it!
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today you will receive the first movement of the piano concerto in A minor by and with Siegfried Ernst with orchestral accompaniment by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix.
You can hear the first sentence here: "My Love"

In this package you get the orchestral version in full HD sound quality and the scores of the orchestral accompaniment with full score full orchestra and parts.

You will also get the concert recording of the piano concert in the solo version in HD sound.

An MP3 version is included for use on the cell phone.

There is also a video for the song on Youtube:
The video shows 6 swans swimming in the river and then starting and flying in the sky.

With the Youtube video, the recording is mixed with surround sound.

Click here:

There are a total of 4 movements from this concerto. You can listen to the full length piano solo concert here:

The other sentences will also be published here in the shop in the next few days.

The piano recording was made on a Steinway & Sons grand piano.
The orchestral accompaniment is mixed in full HD sound.

I hope you enjoy the music!

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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"New Turn" in A minor orchestra meets electronic song by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score Leadsheet and Parts and HD Sound Version and Mp3 Version

By Ralf Kaiser

"New Turn" in A-moll Orchester meets Electronic Song by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Score Leadsheet and Parts and HD Sound Version and Mp3 Version

Dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight i give to you the new song: "New Turn" in A minor. This classical work is quite intense and full of power. It combines classical instruments with electronica elements. Have some fun with it
Sincerely yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of music 🎵 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Klassix.
Today a new work has been created: "New Turn" in A minor.
It's part of the line
Orchestra meets electronic
Brass, cellos, vibraphones, tenor saxophones, percussion and synthesizers play in it.

You get Full Score Full Orcehstra Leadsheet and Parts in the original paritur. Tempo is 101 bpm. Moved and performed espressivo.

In addition to the sheet music, you will receive the HD Sound Version 24 Bit 96 Khz and an mp3 version for your cell phone. The cover artwork is also included. ;-)

The cover for the piece shows a sailboat at sea with inflated sails at full speed.

A man and a woman can be seen on the boat like a couple in love traveling on a sailing ship.

Musically, the piece has a lot to offer. It sounds like a fast trip, like when the wind blows fully into the sails. In between there is a short break, with all the instruments pausing briefly, as in a short calm, after which the boat picks up again and drives quickly and safely across bright blue water in blazing sunlight.
The spray splashes on the bow and next to the boat dolphins jump out of the water and accompany the ship a bit.

It is important to reach the port before sunset. There the ship is moored and the couple goes ashore to have dinner on the promenade.

Later make love in the hotel with a sea view and after a quiet night the journey continues the next day.

Enjoy the song

Download here now

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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