News: Rock

Now new cd by limoband: "I'd like you controversy anyway" in HD Sound online in store, get it now!

By Ralf Kaiser

Now new cd by limoband: "I'd like you controversy anyway" in HD Sound online in store, get it now!

dear friends of the music by limo and limoband, today you get the new live album: "I'd like you controvercy anyway" "I like you despite the argument" This CD contains 6 songs played live by us in rehearselroom yesterday night. We have had much fun and this music sounds real and authentic. There is playing a big and fantastic bass and the loud and crunchy guitar and the lovely drum.

click here:

These are the titles:
01 Intro welcome back soda tape
02 I'm kidding you number
03 I like you despite the argument
04 The toad in the pond makes me rich
05 No, I don't eat my soup
06 I love your souffle
You get these songs in HD sound quality.
Have some fun with it!
Sincerely yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Limoband

Dear friends of Limoband, today you get the new Limoband CD live from the rehearsal room: "I like you despite the argument". You get the songs in HD quality as a loosless wav file in a zip archive with 1.42 GB data volume.
I recommend you to play this music on your mobile phone, for example using the "USB Disk pro" app on your iPhone. This player can do HD sound ;-)
We had a lot of fun playing yesterday. We rocked the booth.
The guitar sounds really loud and crunchy again, the bass bombing good and clear and the drum loving and sensitive. This mixture of sound and music is really handmade and sounds very authentic and real simply unmistakable like limo tape.
We just played all the songs and improvised and jammed.
Here are the titles that are included on the CD:
01 Intro welcome back soda tape
02 I'm kidding you number
03 I like you despite the argument
04 The toad in the pond makes me rich
05 No, I don't eat my soup
06 I love your souffle
You get these songs in HD quality including cover.
Thank you for your support!
Love and Peace Soda Ribbon

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New Live Songs by Limoband in HD Sound and mp3 Version available: Welcome 2020!

By Ralf Kaiser

New Live Songs by Limoband in HD Sound and mp3 Version available: Welcome 2020!

dear friends of the music by Limoband, yesterday we met and did play a new gig in our rehearsal room. Welcome 2020 contains 4 songs played by Limoband.

This takes are in it:

01 breakfast in Paris

02 Feeling right in time

03 You can't fight Urgk alone

04 Tears after regret (with violin)

The Sound you will hear with us is amazing. The guitar crushes loud in front, and you will feel surroundet by sound. The bass give big vibes and the drummer fills all up with love. To play in our band is a great experience for me and us. It feels like growling thunder and flashing lights and sex on the beach in one. It is like beeing present at all - here to play, here to stay.

You get the music in HD Sound Quality in loosless wav format and the cover artwork here

You get the mp3 Versions and Cover artwork here

Have some fun with it.

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Limoband

Dear friends of Limoband music, today you get the latest songs from our last gig last night.

You get the HD sound version of the songs in the best quality 24 bit 96 Khz loosless wav files. Over 42 minutes of playing time in total.

4 songs were created, 3 of them with electric guitar, bass and drums and 1 with violin, bass and drums.

These tracks are included in this package here:

01 breakfast in Paris

02 Feeling right in time

03 You can't fight Urgk alone

04 Tears after regret (with violin)

There is a little story about "You can't Fight Urgk alone":

Urgk is a monster dwarf that is very powerful and guards the entrance to the underworld. It lives in the rock, approx. 4000-5000 meters below the surface of the sea and guards the entrance to the interior of the earth. It is dark blue, black and green and has golden sparkling eyes that look similar to an eagle only in yellow / black. Urgk is inherently neither good nor bad and, on the whole, rather friendly, but very powerful and strong. He acts like a patron saint of the band. He is invincible by force of arms. You can only defeat Him internally by agreeing with Him. He / She / It is neither clearly female nor clearly male, actually gender-independent and mutually inclined. Urgk can create itself. This mythical creature is happy about the sunrise because it always has the end of the day ;-)

Yesterday we had an impressive encounter with this primal force on the song "You can't fight Urgk alone". It almost went out of the three of us during the song and was created or created. In the Gamer Chargon that would be a typical level boss.

Every strength and power directed against him makes him bigger and stronger. Everything that counters him is countered. Urgk is as strong as a whole army of many spirits as well as strong and one like a boulder.

I think when you hear this song, you can get to know him and agree with him.

I hope you enjoy these songs!

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Limoband

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new alternative rock song: "braised meat in our garden" Braised meat in our garden now for free mp3 Download

By Ralf Kaiser

new alternative rock song: "braised meat in our garden" Schmorbarte in unserem Garten now for free mp3 Download

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight you get the new alternative rock song: "Braised meat in our garden" as free mp3 download.
The cover of this song is the drawing: "Manipulation in Utero".
You can watch the work in progress video on youtube:

click here for free mp3 download:

Have some fun with it.
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get the new alternative rock song: "Braised meat in our garden" as a free mp3 download.
The cover for the song shows the oil pastel chalk drawing: "Manipulation in Utero". You can see the video of how the artwork is created in time lapse on youtube:

I hope you enjoy the song!
Thanks for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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